WAM 2023 Summit Fundraiser

Lift up a young woman starting her own business.

As female leaders who value empowerment and financial independence, the mission of the Congo Restoration Sewing School is one so many of us will be inspired by.

Every six months, 40 women graduate from the sewing school in Eastern Congo, a place where women have few opportunities and protections. Most of these women have only a primary school education and are considered lower-tier citizens in their village. 

All of that changes once they graduate from the sewing school.

Congo Restoration provides sewing school graduates with the resources to start their own business. Each woman receives a sewing kit with the necessary tools of their new trade, and one sewing machine for every two graduates a model that fosters teamwork and support among these new entrepreneurs. Your gift, from one businesswoman to another, will help our graduates launch!

For WAM donors who contribute $100 or more a set of napkins crafted by one of our students will be given to you at the November WAM Summit! Additional student-crafted items such as reusable shopping bags, aprons, and placemats, will be available for purchase at the summit tradeshow.

We hope WAMmers consider making a $35 donation

$35 funds a sewing kit given to each graduate, containing scissors, thread, and other items to help get her business started.


$75 funds half a sewing machine, given to be shared by two graduates who start their business together.

$150 funds a full sewing machine to be shared by two graduates.

$220 funds a shared sewing machine and two sewing kits to prepare two women to start a business together.

Meet Some of Our Graduates

Thank you to our donors!

Kass Salamone

November 17, 2023

Kari Frazier

November 15, 2023

Please send a receipt


November 15, 2023

Paula Schaefer

November 14, 2023


November 14, 2023

Pam McKenna

November 14, 2023

Alexandra Rodriguez

November 14, 2023


November 14, 2023

Jeana Lopez

November 14, 2023

Tina Luck

November 14, 2023

Thank you WAM

Toni Rials

November 14, 2023

Shelly Rosales

November 14, 2023

What an amazing opportunity!

Restoring hope and dignity to the Eastern Congo through education.


4909 Reiger Ave. Dallas, Texas 75214